Tuesday 22 April 2014

Q6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Q7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

                                                           Preliminary Task
Since creating our preliminary task we have extremely improved on our overall filming techniques, due to the knowledge we have learnt in our research. In our final project we were able to use a variety shots, angles, editing techniques and use of diegetic and non diegetic sound.

In our Thriller opening we were able to use editing techniques and camera shots, angles and sound an eerie and uncomfortable atmosphere for people who are watching our project. For example:

  • Jump cuts
  • Low angle shots
  • High angle shots
  • Cut in
  • Cut away
  • Close up
  • Extreme close up
  • Diegetic sound
  • Non diegetic sound
  • Quick paced cuts
  • Black and white effect

These use of filming techniques are a massive improvement from our preliminary task, as in our preliminary task there was lack of shot range, angles and use of both non diegetic and diegetic sound as the only sound we used was diegetic. Since our preliminary task we have been able to research and plan our project making us much more knowledgeable about camera editing techniques and allowing us to improve our overall project because we were able to use techniques effectively and appropriately for the thriller genre.

We were able to research the language and content, which was appropriate for our age range which is rated 15. The research allowed us to make our project appropriate and appeal to the audience which it was aimed at.

Bonnie Hartrey

Q5 How did you attract/address your audience?

Q4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

As stated in our planning and research, as a group, we decided to classify our thriller film opening as a 15. This decision was one of the results from the audience research commenced by us a group.

Above is a pie chart showing the results from one the questions on the questionnaire. It shows that majority of the people we asked, who enjoyed thriller films were aged between 15 and 20. This influenced us to choose '15' as a classification. In addition to this we discovered that majority of the people asked, that liked thriller conventions we used, were male. So we decided that majority of our audience would be young males aged between 15 and 20.

Typical Audience Member.

This is Daniel Flay, he is a 17 year old student who enjoys thriller movies, especially psychological thrillers. He is a huge fan of the main protagonist, Levi Hodge, so this automatically attracted his attention to Reprisal. However, Daniel was also intrigued by the wide range of codes and conventions demonstrated in our thriller film opening. In Daniel's spare time he regularly attends the cinema to see film premieres as it is a much better experience than watching it home he explained. His favourite genre of film is thriller and the films include Arlington Road, Brick, and Psycho.

Daniel Stated "I really like thriller films and absolutely love the opening sequence to Reprisal, I cannot wait until I can see the rest, watching the opening immediately give me a huge sense of eireeness. As a huge fan of thriller films I can see how the key conventions and the things I expect to see have been used such as jump cuts. I especially like the use of CCTV footage".

Q3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Pearl and Dean
Pearl and Dean is the best known cinema advertising contractor. This means they help tailor adverts to a specific target audience. For our film they are likely to not only put trailers for films in similar genres, but also advertisements for other products, such as Nike trainers and car adverts. Nike could approach Pearland Dean in order to reach their target audience.

As majority of our audience would be under 18, we wouldn't have advertising linked to alcohol or products associated with over 18s because we do not want to encourage teenage drinking and promote such items to a young audience.

Levi Hodge

Q2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Bonnie Hartrey

Q1 In What way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Audience Research - Results













Bonnie Hartrey
Our Logo Design
We decided on a logo and came up with the name 'EVIL Productions' we decided to use this name because it fits in well with the thriller genre and our plans for our final piece. I also think this a good name because if you rearrange the protagonists 'LEVI' it can spell EVIL so it gives me a direct input in this and Levi is the protagonist in our film opening so therefore I could be seen as evil. Our Logo Design
Chloe Howse